Mon to Sun - 10:30 AM to 09:30 PM


Hammam Massage

The high temperature and humidity in the hammam massage in naroda provoke sweating which in turn causes the expulsion of uric acid and toxins, improving the filtering action of the kidneys, favoring hydration of the prime respiratory tracts and making the skin more elastic and glowing. The high humidity and heavy sweating stimulate cellular turnover as, when the cells of the horny layer of the epidermis become saturated with sweat, they detach more easily, making the skin softer and smoother. The massage center near naroda provokes peripheral dilation of the blood vessels, exercising the venules and capillaries. This stimulates the circulation and, as the pores of the skin open up, toxins are eliminated. This is an excellent remedy for people suffering from cellulite, resulting in smoothing out of the skin and the fact that the body draws on its fat reserves to recover the energy consumed. The additional benefits are that the Hammam treatment releases muscular tension, relaxes.

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